I am excited to share with you my new coupon caddy. I saw the post on pinterest which led me to Andrea's blog
simple organized living, which I absolutely love. When you have a moment, it's a must see. This new coupon caddy has changed my grocery shopping experience, because coupons are so easy to find. Also it give each coupon a home, so I no longer find them laying around the kitchen are crinkled up on my purse. Please it helps me keep them organized so I know where to find them, which helps me save money. No more finding the coupon in my purse or kitchen after I purchased the item, which really adds up and used to bum me out.
Just like Andrea, I also found my expandable coupon file at Staples. I love Staples, it's like the Macy's of all office supply stores. Don't get me started on that place, I will stop in just to explore and dream of how organized I can be. I purchased the card stock at Michael's, but had to cut it down a little to make the coupon caddy less stiff and easy to use.
I am very anal about things so I had to use my label maker, which I use all the time. I also taped the top edge with shipping tape to add more durability. On Andrea's blog you can find her breakdown of categories, but I decided to create my own. Here it is and feel free to use any of them or all of them.
Coupon Caddy Categories--Sub-Catagories
Baking/Cooking - cake/cookie mixes
Baking/Cooking - ingredients/supplies
Baking/Cooking - spices/seasonings
Beverages - bottle/canned drinks (water/pop/tea)
Beverages - coffee/tea
Beverages - juice
Beverages - lemonade/drink mixes
Cans/Jars - beans/legumes
Cans/Jars - fruit/vegetables
Cans/Jars - pasta sauce & other sauces
Cans/Jars - soup/broth
Cans/Jars - salsa/tomatoes
Condiments - marinade/sauces
Condiments - pickles/olives/relish tray items
Condiments - salad dressing/toppings
Condiments - sandwich/burger spreads/toppings
Dairy/Refrigerated - cheese/meat
Dairy/Refrigerated - chilled dough/rolls/cookies/pudding
Dairy/Refrigerated - coffee creamer/milk
Dairy/Refrigerated - dips/spreads/cream cheese/sour cream
Dairy/Refrigerated - eggs/butter
Dairy/Refrigerated - goodbelly/yogurt
Dairy/Refrigerated - other
Dry Goods/Grains/Starches - bread/tortillas
Dry Goods/Grains/Starches - cereal/oatmeal/poptarts
Dry Goods/Grains/Starches - pasta/rice/sides
Fresh Food - bakery
Fresh Food - deli
Fresh Food - meat department
Fresh Food - produce
Fresh Food - salsa/spreads/dips
Fresh Food - pickles/other
Frozen Food - bread/dough
Frozen Food - breakfast items
Frozen Food - fruit/veggies
Frozen Food - gluten free/dairy free
Frozen Food - ice cream/desserts/novelties
Frozen Food - meals
Frozen Food - meat/seafood
Frozen Food - pizza/pizza rolls
Grooming Hygiene - deodorant/soap
Grooming Hygiene - feminine hygiene
Grooming Hygiene - hair care
Grooming Hygiene - make up
Grooming Hygiene - oral care
Grooming Hygiene - skin care/shaving
Health/Medical - cold medicine/relief
Health/Medical - first aid
Health/Medical - pain relievers
Health/Medical - pharmacy other
Health/Medical - vitamins/supplements
Household - cleaning/laundry
Household - food storage/wraps
Household - hardware/batteries/lightbulbs
Household - office/school supplies
Household - paper goods
Snacks/Treats - candy/gum
Snacks/Treats - chips/pretzels
Snacks/Treats - cookies/cakes
Snacks/Treats - crackers
Snacks/Treats - nuts/dried fruit/popcorn
Snacks/Treats - snack bars/energy bars
Here's why I love it: Andrea's idea is great because each person can create it to their own needs and store layout. Changes are easy to make. Portable, but stretches out to hold lots of coupons. You can store the coupons for your shopping trip in the front box and add more to it as you shop. It really saves so much time.